Wochenbett-Szene mit Mutter, Schwester, kleinem Bruder und Baby

15 Things Nobody Told You About Postpartum

Birth is crazy – postpartum is crazier? Well, not always, of course. But in the first days, weeks and months after your pregnancy, some real surprises await you. And although...
Wochenbett-Szene mit Mutter und Baby und Essen

Why worrying at night is so intense in pregnancy and postpartum

Unfortunately, being pregnant often means being sleepless. During pregnancy, almost two out of three women have trouble sleeping. They lie awake at night because of heartburn, cannot sleep through the...
Wochenbett-App von the weeks

Your postpartum period in one app

The first app for the postpartum period. You can find the link to download it from your app store at the bottom of the page. When we were pregnant ourselves,...
Paar umarmt sich und weint

Postpartum after a miscarriage: everything you should know

Tagged: Wochenbett
Nadine Bode Wochenbett

Pregnancy at 47: Nadine Bode talks about her pregnancy via sperm donation

Nadine Bode is 48 years old and gave birth to her son Dari a few months ago. Today she tells us about her experience as a single woman who has...
Frau sitzt auf der Toilette und weint

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: When it itches, hurts and burns

What are hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids are not a disease at all, but rather vascular cushions that sit in your anal region and, among other things, ensure that no stool or liquid...
Frau im Wochenbett sitzt auf einem Sofa mit Baby, Leah Kunz

Visitors during the postpartum period

Unwanted visit after birth "A new little person has been born. Everyone is happy. Love is in the air, empathetic family members and friends leave food outside the door without...
Tagged: Wochenbett
Ninia La Grande

"What advice do you give to other people with disabilities who want to start a family?" - "Go for it!"

Ninia lives in Hanover, is a presenter, author, speaker and actress and mother of one child. In this interview, Ninia talks about her pregnancy and birth, the challenges she faced...
Frau mit Binde in Netzhose im Wochenbett, Natalie Stanczak

7 questions and answers about birth injuries

Not all birth injuries are the same: in addition to the perineal tear that is so often discussed, there are abrasions of all kinds, tears in other regions of your...
Tagged: Geburt Wochenbett
Haarschopf von Natalie Stanczak

The “mothers* photo gap” - or: why mothers* are actually never seen in photos

Cover photo: Natalie Stanczak, Sandsack Photography Dear Natalie, today we want to talk about a topic that is so important and deserves much more attention: the visibility of mothers* in...
Tagged: Wochenbett
Paar umarmt sich

Postpartum care after miscarriages and stillbirths

the weeks in an interview with midwife Katharina Kerlen-Petri Katharina Kerlen-Petri has been a midwife in Berlin since 1989. She has worked in clinics and as a freelance midwife, still...
Frau mit Netzhose und Binde verschwommen, Natalie Stanczak

Birth Injuries: 12 Tips for Postpartum Care

Learn how to properly care for birth injuries like perineal tears, labial tears, or C-section scars. 9 essential tips for healing and scar care – scientifically backed and easy to follow.

Tagged: Geburt Wochenbett