The postpartum magazine
Difficult feelings in the postpartum period: anger, melancholy and helplessness
Linda Rasumowsky is a psychotherapist in Switzerland and specializes in mental health issues related to the birth of a child and parenthood. She is herself a mother of three children...
Health knows no weight - even during pregnancy and the postpartum period
An interview with Dr. Antonie Post, anti-diet nutritional therapist, author and podcaster. Dear Antonie, you are an anti-diet nutritionist, a doctor of nutrition, a book author, podcaster and mother of...
5 tips for pumping milk after birth
For many women, pumping breast milk is both pretty cool and pretty exhausting. Cool because it either gives them freedom or guarantees that their baby will get breast milk even...
How does the postpartum work after a Caesarean section
Birth is birth is birth. Regardless of whether you gave birth to your child spontaneously and without any aids, through a gastrointestinal birth or with many interventions and a vacuum...
Mütterpflegerin: Unterstützung für Frauen im Wochenbett
Mütterpflegerin - schonmal gehört? Für uns war ziemlich lange nicht so richtig klar, was das eigentlich ist, wer das macht und welche Frauen eine Mütterpflegerin beantragen können. Zum Glück haben...
Pre-cook frozen meals for the postpartum period
One of the big topics in the postpartum period is: food! Because it is important, because many women are incredibly hungry after giving birth and while breastfeeding - and because...
7 Tipps für Administratives und Behördengänge rund um die Geburt
Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett können ziemlich aufwühlende Zeiten sein, in denen du viel mit dir selbst und deinen Gefühlen zu tun hast, tausend Dinge organisieren willst und zwischendurch auch echt...
How long does the postpartum period last?
The postpartum period - for us at the weeks, this term is now part of everyday life and what we do all day. But if we're completely honest, we didn't...
Soft body, hard time - 5 thoughts on the post-baby body
Postpartum belly, after-baby body, the big aftermath. We get so many questions about your bodies every day, and it's not just about pregnancy problems and tips for giving birth, but...
14 things, whcih happen to your body after birth
Giving birth is crazy - is the postpartum period even worse? Well, not always, of course. But in the first few days, weeks and months after your pregnancy, your body...
The 13 craziest breastfeeding myths
Breastfeeding sometimes seems to be one of the most mysterious topics surrounding pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period - because few things are surrounded by as many old wives' tales...
Sexuality after birth and pregnancy: Do I have to rediscover my body after birth?
by Anna Dillinger “My body is changing – my feeling about my body is changing” Pregnancy and birth are life-changing events. This is so clear that there is no need...