Nadine Bode Wochenbett

Pregnancy at 47: Nadine Bode talks about her pregnancy via sperm donation

Nadine Bode is 48 years old and gave birth to her son Dari a few months ago. Today she tells us about her experience as a single woman who has...
Frau sitzt auf der Toilette und weint

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: When it itches, hurts and burns

What are hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids are not a disease at all, but rather vascular cushions that sit in your anal region and, among other things, ensure that no stool or liquid...
Rollkoffer vor Wand

10 must-haves for your hospital bag

Packing your hospital or birthing center bag can be a way to slowly prepare yourself mentally for the birth towards the end of your pregnancy and to realize that you...
Frau mit Binde in Netzhose im Wochenbett, Natalie Stanczak

7 questions and answers about birth injuries

Not all birth injuries are the same: in addition to the perineal tear that is so often discussed, there are abrasions of all kinds, tears in other regions of your...
Tagged: Geburt Wochenbett
Bettdecke mit Wochenbettprodukten, Natalie Stanczak

Do I really need to do a perineal massage?

Many women are recommended to massage the perineum from around the 34th week of pregnancy. It is supposed to stimulate blood circulation in the perineal tissue and make the skin,...
Frau mit Netzhose und Binde verschwommen, Natalie Stanczak

Birth Injuries: 12 Tips for Postpartum Care

Learn how to properly care for birth injuries like perineal tears, labial tears, or C-section scars. 9 essential tips for healing and scar care – scientifically backed and easy to follow.

Tagged: Geburt Wochenbett
Mutter im Geburtspool, Vater nimmt Baby entgegen

7 birth positions at a glance

Most of us rarely witness live births and so are mostly familiar with them from films and television. In these films, women lie on their backs in hospital gowns and...
Tagged: Geburt
Frau im Abendkleid sitzt in einer Badewanne

What should I wear in the delivery room?

"A delivery room is not a catwalk," my midwife's voice still rings in my ears today, even though my last birth was a while ago. And I wouldn't be the...
Tagged: Geburt
Paar im Geburtspool

5 tips to combat labor pains during childbirth

Most women who are expecting their first child often only know pain during childbirth from films and series: there is usually a lot of screaming and strange breathing, the woman...
Tagged: Geburt
Frau hält Wochenbettbinden von the weeks, Natalie Stanczak

6 Myths About the Estimated Due Date (EDD)

The due date. Estimated date - or should we say: guessed date? Because it is actually more of a vague date that can give a clue, but never certainty. And...
Schwangere Frau mit Tattoos, Leah Kunz

Induction of labor - an overview of the methods

One of the most important pieces of information in pregnancy is the estimated due date (EDD). So much depends on it - from the start and end of maternity leave...
Tagged: Geburt
Frau mit Baby im Bett

Birth injuries in the postpartum period

During childbirth, your pelvis and your internal and external sexual organs are subjected to great pressure, stretching and force. This can, but does not necessarily, result in birth injuries such...
Tagged: Geburt Wochenbett