Andy Sparkles im Kleid am Strand

7 Tips for Traveling While Pregnant by Andy Sparkles

Hi Andrea, thank you for taking the time for this interview. You are a creator, a traveler and - surprise - pregnant! Congratulations! You traveled to three countries during your...
Tagged: Schwangerschaft
Wochenbett-Szene mit Mutter und Baby und Essen

Why worrying at night is so intense in pregnancy and postpartum

Unfortunately, being pregnant often means being sleepless. During pregnancy, almost two out of three women have trouble sleeping. They lie awake at night because of heartburn, cannot sleep through the...
Nadine Bode Wochenbett

Pregnancy at 47: Nadine Bode talks about her pregnancy via sperm donation

Nadine Bode is 48 years old and gave birth to her son Dari a few months ago. Today she tells us about her experience as a single woman who has...
Frau sitzt auf der Toilette und weint

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: When it itches, hurts and burns

What are hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids are not a disease at all, but rather vascular cushions that sit in your anal region and, among other things, ensure that no stool or liquid...
Ninia La Grande

"What advice do you give to other people with disabilities who want to start a family?" - "Go for it!"

Ninia lives in Hanover, is a presenter, author, speaker and actress and mother of one child. In this interview, Ninia talks about her pregnancy and birth, the challenges she faced...
Yassamin-Sophia Boussaoud

"The dehumanizing image of the stronger, black and brown, fat woman must be broken."

Yassamin-Sophia Boussaoud, known as Mino, is 33 years old, lives in Munich and is an educational worker and author. Mino is a German-Tunisian, queer, fat, non-binary person and is currently...
Tagged: Schwangerschaft
Paar umarmt sich

Postpartum care after miscarriages and stillbirths

the weeks in an interview with midwife Katharina Kerlen-Petri Katharina Kerlen-Petri has been a midwife in Berlin since 1989. She has worked in clinics and as a freelance midwife, still...
Bettdecke mit Wochenbettprodukten, Natalie Stanczak

Do I really need to do a perineal massage?

Many women are recommended to massage the perineum from around the 34th week of pregnancy. It is supposed to stimulate blood circulation in the perineal tissue and make the skin,...
Frau in großem Körper macht Asana in einer Wiese

Health knows no weight - even during pregnancy and the postpartum period

An interview with Dr. Antonie Post, anti-diet nutritional therapist, author and podcaster. Dear Antonie, you are an anti-diet nutritionist, a doctor of nutrition, a book author, podcaster and mother of...
Hebamme guckt Bauch im Wochenbett an, Natalie Sandsack

Mütterpflegerin: Unterstützung für Frauen im Wochenbett

Mütterpflegerin - schonmal gehört? Für uns war ziemlich lange nicht so richtig klar, was das eigentlich ist, wer das macht und welche Frauen eine Mütterpflegerin beantragen können. Zum Glück haben...
Sophie's Safe Space

Fat and Pregnant – an interview with yoga teacher Sophie from Sophie's Safe Space

Sophie is a yoga teacher and founder of Sophie's Safe Space. She offers online yoga courses specifically for fat, curvy, plus-size people with large (and of course all other) bodies...
Tagged: Schwangerschaft
Stapel Unterlagen

7 Tipps für Administratives und Behördengänge rund um die Geburt

Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett können ziemlich aufwühlende Zeiten sein, in denen du viel mit dir selbst und deinen Gefühlen zu tun hast, tausend Dinge organisieren willst und zwischendurch auch echt...