Not all birth injuries are the same: in addition to the perineal tear that is so often discussed, there are abrasions of all kinds, tears in other regions of your intimate area such as the vulva, labia, vagina, clitoris or cervix and of course the episiotomy, although this is only done in exceptional cases these days. The wound caused by a Caesarean section is also a birth injury that can be cared for and must heal.

Many women are very concerned about these injuries and their healing - and understandably so. That's why we've written down the most important answers to the most frequently asked questions here.

1. What types of birth injuries are there?

Birth injuries are all injuries to the tissue in the vagina, vulva, labia, clitoris or cervix. The tissue can be injured only superficially, mainly through friction (so-called abrasions) or can tear (tears).

2. What is the most common birth injury?

In addition to abrasions and swelling, perineal tears are the most common birth injury. A perineal tear can have different grades, which indicate whether only the skin and subcutaneous tissue have been injured (grade I), whether the perineal muscles themselves have also been torn (grade II) or, more rarely, whether the anal sphincter (grade III) or the mucous membrane in the rectum (grade IV) have also been torn. Third-degree perineal tears occur in around three to five percent of births in Germany, and fourth-degree tears only occur in one in a thousand births, although both injuries tend to be associated with births in which a vacuum extractor or forceps were used.

3. How are birth injuries treated after birth?

Abrasions do not require further treatment, but heal on their own after a few days, just like abrasions on the skin. Depending on the severity and location of the tear, tears are either left to heal themselves or stitched. The stitches are usually self-absorbing and do not need to be removed.

4. How can I care for birth injuries?

Birth injuries can be cared for in these ways:

Rinsing with clean water every time you go to the toilet helps to keep the wounds clean. Our intimate shower is ideal for this. The water can also be enriched with wound-healing additives such as the Recovery Spray from the weeks.

Wound compresses also help, especially for large injuries: the recovery spray is sprayed onto a postpartum pad, placed briefly in the refrigerator and then applied to the sore areas.

5. How long does it take for birth injuries to heal?

Birth injuries occur in many births and in most cases heal to a large extent in the early postpartum period, i.e. in the first ten to 14 days after birth. To help a perineal tear or episiotomy, as well as tears in the vagina and abrasions on your vulva, to heal, you should - if at all possible - avoid stretching and straining the tissue on the perineum and vulva as much as possible.

6. What can I do if birth injuries do not heal properly?

If birth injuries do not heal properly, sitz baths are often pleasant. To do this, mix body-temperature water in the bathtub with the recovery spray (approx. 1 tablespoon per liter of water). If there is no bathtub, a clean plastic bag can be pulled over the toilet seat. The water can then be poured into the hollow that is created.

7. Does the vagina feel different after giving birth?

A persistent myth about spontaneous births has continued to this day: the vagina becomes loose. It gets wider. It is no longer tight enough for penetrative sex. And we say: NO. The vagina is a hollow organ and a truly extraordinary structure: it can expand and dilate by around ten times its original size during birth with relatively little problem. After birth, the organ contracts again and usually returns to its original size within a few days. Just six weeks after birth, the vagina of a woman who has given birth spontaneously is practically no different from the vagina of a young woman who has not yet experienced a vaginal birth.

8. What can I do if it burns on the toilet after giving birth?

The injuries can cause a burning sensation when urinating in the first few days of the postpartum period. This is caused by the acidic urine coming into contact with the open wounds. An intimate douche can provide relief. This allows water to be rinsed over the vulva when peeing, so that the urine is diluted and no longer irritates the wounds as much. Alternatively, peeing in the shower is possible.

9. Can the perineal suture open again if the stool is solid?

No, nothing can happen to the perineal suture, I promise. It can be more comfortable for you if the stool is rather soft so that you don't have to press too hard. A small stool under your feet also optimizes the sitting position and helps to make bowel movements easier.

Tagged: Geburt Wochenbett

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