Breastfeeding sometimes seems to be one of the most mysterious topics surrounding pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period - because few things are surrounded by as many old wives' tales as babies sucking at breasts. We have written down the 13 most persistent breastfeeding myths - and the current state of science on each topic - in brief:

New milk should not meet old milk (aka give enough time between feedings, otherwise the baby will have a stomach ache). Nope. There are no studies that prove that frequent breastfeeding or cluster feeding leads to more severe stomach pain in newborns.

You have to drink enough, otherwise there won't be enough milk. Of course, drinking enough is always good. But it has nothing to do with your milk supply. This is increased much more by "demand", for example, i.e. frequent breastfeeding.

Breasts can be emptied, the milk is not enough in the evening and that is why your child does not sleep through the night, etc. No. The breast continues to produce milk when breastfeeding. As long as your child suckles, milk will come out. And if your baby gains weight normally, there will always be enough milk. Briefly on sleeping through the night: Babies are not designed to sleep through the night. This has nothing to do with their feeling of satiety, but rather with their developing brain.

You must not eat gassy foods or citrus fruits, otherwise your baby will get a stomachache. No, no, no. Studies show very clearly that gassy substances do NOT pass into the milk. Gassy babies are mainly caused by the intestines not yet being fully mature. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do here except hold them, keep them warm and wait. <3 And as for citrus fruits: it is best to eat what you like!

Pain when breastfeeding and sore nipples are normal. No! Sore nipples often occur in the beginning due to unusual irritation. If the soreness and pain persist for a longer period of time, it is best to have a midwife or lactation consultant take a look to rule out an unfavourable sucking technique on the part of your child. Or ask them to show you other latching techniques, which can sometimes help too.

Breastfeeding mothers cannot become pregnant. This is also wrong. The breastfeeding hormone prolactin suppresses ovulation in some women who are breastfeeding. But not in other women, and they are fertile again after just a few weeks despite breastfeeding. And because you never know which group you belong to, it's better not to rely on it.

Your breasts are too small/too big to breastfeed. Absolutely not. Breast size has nothing to do with breastfeeding or milk quantity. If you have large breasts, breastfeeding can sometimes be challenging, but there are great techniques for this that you can have someone show you if you want.

If breastfed babies are offered a pacifier or a bottle too early, nipple confusion can occur. Nipple confusion drives many parents in the postpartum period at least a little crazy. But don't panic: there is no scientific evidence for this form of breast refusal. Happy pacifier time!

Breast milk turns sour if you do too much exercise. You should avoid excessive exercise during the postpartum period anyway for the sake of your pelvic floor - but if it itches too much, then go for it, because: Breast milk CANNOT turn sour.

If you breastfeed, you will lose the pregnancy weight much faster than if you don't breastfeed. No. Quite apart from the fact that you obviously don't have to look the same after pregnancy (or ever again!) as you did before, because you have had and given birth to a child, for many women this is more of an old wives' tale than the truth. Yes, breastfeeding burns extra calories. But not all women lose weight because of it. And that's OK.

All medication is taboo when breastfeeding. Not true! It's best to seek advice from your midwife or gynecologist, but most medications can also be taken when breastfeeding - this can work wonders, especially for sore nipples and painful birth injuries.

Breastfeeding is only good in the first few months. If you breastfeed for longer, you are spoiling your child. Definitely not. Every breastfeeding relationship is extremely unique and there are exactly two people who decide how long breastfeeding is good for them: you and your child. Breastfeed as long or as short as you want!

Breastfeeding gives you sagging breasts. Oh wow, what if?! But even if we think sagging breasts are great, here's the all-clear: after weaning, the breasts are often somehow "empty", but that's not because they've been drained. There's just hardly any fatty tissue left in them. But that slowly builds up again and the breasts become fuller again over time.


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