For many women, pumping breast milk is both pretty cool and pretty exhausting. Cool because it either gives them freedom or guarantees that their baby will get breast milk even if breastfeeding at the breast isn't working. Exhausting because you have to learn how to pump and sometimes it takes up a lot of time. Because the weeks supports you in all your plans, adventures and ideas related to pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period, here are our five best tips for pumping and supplementing after birth.
1 | The right device
Not all pumping is the same - there are different techniques for getting milk out of your breast. We list them here:
# Spread by hand - not much milk, takes a long time, but certainly doesn't feel weird.
# With a hand pump - little to medium amount of milk, takes longer, suction sensation from the pump is there.
# With an electric pump* - more to a lot of milk, goes relatively quickly, strong suction feeling, which can be strange, especially at the beginning.
Vacuum collection pumps are also relevant for women who are breastfeeding. They collect the milk that flows from the breast that is not currently being fed. A hands-free milk collection!
* Electric pumps are available in "small" sizes to buy yourself and in "large" sizes and as double pumps to borrow from pharmacies. For the latter, you only need the relevant prescription from your doctor and you can get a double pump at home.
2 | The pump technology
If you only want to pump and not breastfeed, studies have shown that it can be a good idea to pump very often, starting shortly after birth and in the beginning. Basically, whenever your baby would drink. This creates a mechanical stimulus at the breast that stimulates milk production and controls the amount of milk.
It doesn't matter whether you use a hand or electric pump - the principle is the same: you place the suction cup or breast shield of the pump over your breast and pump a few times. A vacuum is formed underneath, which rhythmically sucks in the breasts and then releases them again. The milk ends up in a collecting container. And even if this sounds so easy, learning the right attachment technique for you with the pump can take a while. No stress!
3 | Oxytocin, baby!
In order for the milk to flow, your body has to release oxytocin. This doesn't work so well if you're tense and trying to pump. So let me tell you right away: it's quite normal if almost no milk comes out at the beginning and it takes a long time before anything flows at all - ie until the milk let-down reflex is triggered. So in order to release the bonding hormone oxytocin, you need relaxation and love - not easy, especially in many situations in which mothers have to pump.
What can help: a comfortable place, a little rest, a warm compress on the chest, a light breast massage, a picture of your baby or your baby itself and compassion for yourself. <3
PS: electric breast pumps often have a stimulation mode in addition to the pumping mode. This can also help to trigger the milk let-down reflex because it sucks in the nipple quickly and with little intensity - this is what babies do when they breastfeed.
4 | Once the milk is there: storing it properly
Expressed milk will last for six to eight hours in closed bottles, breast milk bags or freezer bags without refrigeration, and for a maximum of three days in the fridge at below +5° Celsius (check the temperature!). The coolest place is at the very bottom of the fridge - so the fridge door is not the best place to store it.
Breast milk can also be frozen. At -18° to -22° Celsius it will last for a maximum of six months. After thawing, the milk should be kept in the refrigerator and consumed within a day. Microwaves and milk are not such good friends; it is better to thaw and warm it under warm running water.
5 | Hands-free pumps for even more freedom
If you pump regularly and a lot, it might be worth getting a cordless pump. There are models that are so small that they stay in your bra, others you attach either with special banderol tops or simply by cutting holes in an old bra at nipple level and attaching the pump(s) to them. This way you can at least use your hands and walk around during the many hours you spend pumping every day - game changer!