Rollkoffer vor Wand

10 must-haves for your hospital bag

Packing your hospital or birthing center bag can be a way to slowly prepare yourself mentally for the birth towards the end of your pregnancy and to realize that you...
Frau mit Binde in Netzhose im Wochenbett, Natalie Stanczak

7 questions and answers about birth injuries

Not all birth injuries are the same: in addition to the perineal tear that is so often discussed, there are abrasions of all kinds, tears in other regions of your...
Tagged: Geburt Wochenbett
Haarschopf von Natalie Stanczak

The “mothers* photo gap” - or: why mothers* are actually never seen in photos

Cover photo: Natalie Stanczak, Sandsack Photography Dear Natalie, today we want to talk about a topic that is so important and deserves much more attention: the visibility of mothers* in...
Tagged: Wochenbett
Paar umarmt sich

Postpartum care after miscarriages and stillbirths

the weeks in an interview with midwife Katharina Kerlen-Petri Katharina Kerlen-Petri has been a midwife in Berlin since 1989. She has worked in clinics and as a freelance midwife, still...
Bettdecke mit Wochenbettprodukten, Natalie Stanczak

Do I really need to do a perineal massage?

Many women are recommended to massage the perineum from around the 34th week of pregnancy. It is supposed to stimulate blood circulation in the perineal tissue and make the skin,...
Frau mit Netzhose und Binde verschwommen, Natalie Stanczak

Birth Injuries: 12 Tips for Postpartum Care

Learn how to properly care for birth injuries like perineal tears, labial tears, or C-section scars. 9 essential tips for healing and scar care – scientifically backed and easy to follow.

Tagged: Geburt Wochenbett
Mutter nimmt Baby im Wochenbett, Natalie Stanczak

Difficult feelings in the postpartum period: anger, melancholy and helplessness

Linda Rasumowsky is a psychotherapist in Switzerland and specializes in mental health issues related to the birth of a child and parenthood. She is herself a mother of three children...
Tagged: Wochenbett
Frau in großem Körper macht Asana in einer Wiese

Health knows no weight - even during pregnancy and the postpartum period

An interview with Dr. Antonie Post, anti-diet nutritional therapist, author and podcaster. Dear Antonie, you are an anti-diet nutritionist, a doctor of nutrition, a book author, podcaster and mother of...
Stillen mit Brusternährungsset, Natalie Sandsack

5 tips for pumping milk after birth

For many women, pumping breast milk is both pretty cool and pretty exhausting. Cool because it either gives them freedom or guarantees that their baby will get breast milk even...
Wochenbett-Szene mit Mutter und Hebamme

How does the postpartum work after a Caesarean section

Birth is birth is birth. Regardless of whether you gave birth to your child spontaneously and without any aids, through a gastrointestinal birth or with many interventions and a vacuum...
Tagged: Wochenbett
Hebamme guckt Bauch im Wochenbett an, Natalie Sandsack

Mütterpflegerin: Unterstützung für Frauen im Wochenbett

Mütterpflegerin - schonmal gehört? Für uns war ziemlich lange nicht so richtig klar, was das eigentlich ist, wer das macht und welche Frauen eine Mütterpflegerin beantragen können. Zum Glück haben...
Tiefkühltruhe mit Gemüse

Pre-cook frozen meals for the postpartum period

One of the big topics in the postpartum period is: food! Because it is important, because many women are incredibly hungry after giving birth and while breastfeeding - and because...