Sure, mom and baby are the stars in the postpartum period. But partners are of course an integral part of the postpartum team. They can take on a huge number of tasks, should read up on a bit of knowledge and definitely have to look after themselves in the exceptional postpartum situation. That's quite a lot - that's why here are our 8 ultimate tips for partners in the postpartum period.
Take your time
Of course, this isn't possible in all situations, but if you can, take at least two weeks off. Your partner and your baby really need a lot of support at the beginning. And these weeks can be really valuable for you too, because you become part of the new everyday life and learn a lot about your child and your new role. Instead of vacation, you can also take a month of parental leave from the birth - this way you don't have to decide on the period in advance, because parental leave automatically begins on the day your child is born.
Be a manager for postpartum visits
A new baby is here and the family is already queuing up outside the front door? Please don't. Talk to your partner about how comfortable you feel with the idea of people coming into your apartment. This rule can also help to deter unwanted visitors: anyone who wants to come must bring at least one hot meal for two people. In Tupperware and ready to eat. The second cousin will usually cancel on his own.
Organize the household
Of course, the house doesn't have to be as sparkling as it was after spring cleaning during the postpartum period. But a certain level of basic cleanliness can create good vibes during the postpartum period. You can of course do the cleaning yourself or ask your visitor to vacuum. Or you can get help from a cleaner - this can be done via online services, even for one-off visits.
Be informed - even about things that may only concern your partner
Postpartum recovery, baby lues, sweating - and you're like WTF?! We recommend that all partners read up on topics that may not directly affect them, but of course still have an impact on the overall dynamics of the postpartum period.
Take care of nutritious food
Food is a really important topic during the postpartum period. And even if you don't like cooking, you can still shine here. You can either order the traditional way from your favorite delivery service. Or you can order food packages that have been specially designed for the postpartum period.
Attend midwife appointments
If you have a postnatal midwife who visits you daily in the postnatal period at the beginning: congratulations! Unfortunately, this is an absolute privilege these days and we recommend that all partners attend these extremely important appointments. You will learn a lot about your baby and can of course ask your own questions.
Take over the bureaucracy
Postpartum time is also time for filling out forms and going to the office. With a new baby comes an incredible amount of bureaucratic tasks, all of which need to be completed promptly: apply for child benefit, submit a parental benefit application, inform the health insurance company and extend maternity benefit? This is where you come in: you can fill out many forms before the birth, then you only need to add the final information and send them off during the postpartum period.
Take care of yourself too!
Even if you didn't give birth to the child yourself, your new family member is a real game changer and will disrupt many things in your life. That's why it's not surprising that up to 10% of partners suffer from postpartum depression - that is, they develop depressive thoughts in the first year after giving birth. This is something that is talked about far too little! If you feel like you're not feeling well, talk about it and get help.